Lets All STRICTLY follow the Group Rules:
- Group is for HR Professionals;
- Postings ONLY on HR Career, HR Jobs, higher studies, travel grants, research opportunities, Career Counselling & Guidance, Internship, Sabbatical, Training, Seminar, Conference, International Opportunities & Exchange Programme, Educational grant & loan, Scholarships and Fellowship.
- Post English & Kannada language;
- Avoiding posting photos, videos;
- No personal comments;
- No promotional content;
- Anything & Everything about Career for HR professionals
- All are welcome to post and share information, raise issues and help other Members.
- Look forward to senior professionals to help and guide young professionals.
Violation of Group Rules may lead to unsubscription.
Please take personal responsibility, uphold Professional Code and Co-operate.
Happy investing in Career Advancement - Own & Others.